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4" combo annuals
4" pots/10 pots per flat

agastache kudos coral
14-20", sun/part sun

agastache kudos mandarin

agastache kudos silver blue

angelonia aria blue

begonia big red with bronze leaf

begonia big red with green leaf

begonia big rose with bronze leaf

begonia big white

bacopa betty

bidens white delight

calibrachoa aloha kona honeycomb

calibrachoa aloha kona sunshine

calibrachoa aloha kona hula sky blue

calibrachoa aloha kona hula hot pink

calibrachoa aloha kona hula orange

calibrachoa aloha nani tropicana

calibrachoa candy shop grape splash

calibrachoa candy shop sweet dreams

calibrachoa calistic bordeaux

calibrachoa calistic cappuccino

calirbachoa calitastic tri color pink

calibrachoa minifamous orangetastic

calibrachoa minifamous pinktastic

calibrachoa minifamous plumtastic

cleome cilo magenta

cosmos choca mocha

cuphea floriglory diane

dahlia hypnotica icarus

dahlia hynotica bicolor rose

dahlia hypnotica tequila sunrise

dahlia dalaya purple and white

dahlia mystic illusion

dahlia mystic sparkler

dahlia xxl tabassco

dahlia xxl veracruz

euphorbia stardust super flash

felicia forever blue

helitrope scentropia dark blue
8-16", sun

lantana bandana cherry
12-18", sun

lantana bandana yellow
12-18", sun
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